Internship Report

Urban Planner s.r.o.

Work Description

The intern was involved in two contracts for the cities of Jihlava and Zlín (CZ). He was assigned a number of sub-tasks ranging from routine to very creative, including solving tasks where the best approach was not known in advance, and the student had to independently and actively test and compare different solution options so that the most appropriate method was used for the final solution.

The spatial analytical work comprised mostly of network analyses and an absraction of space related data into graphs and infographics. The second main task was to visualize the processed data in maps for experts and decision-makers. The intern had to find a creative way to present loads of data through different visualization methods, inset maps and tabular references.

Examples for Demonstration (1/2)

Accessibility to Services

Three different modes of transport (pedestrian, public transport, car).

Potential Investment Expenses

Overview map with 5 windows to inset maps, infographics.

Personal Experience

The internship was designed to run remotely. Therefore, the independent work and systematic communication with colleagues was an essential learning experience. The topical focus on urban development was enhanced by the innovative methods which allowed me to contribute with my inputs to the tasks. I appreciate the provided freedom to experiment and the subsequent reflective team discussions about the preliminary results.

I lerned to never underestimate the importance of communication, especially in the remote environment. The introductory information about the context of the project helped me to be on the same page and contribute to the team better. In case there were instructions a bit unclear or incomplete, in the end of the day the hours spent on the task seemed to be ineffective and most of the work should have been redone.

I am thankful for the opportunity to work in Urban Planner.

Examples for Demonstration (2/2)

Top Priority Areas for Development (Investment to Operational Costs)

Accessiblity to Libraries, Zlin Population distribution